Meet your team of wealth specialists

We take an objective approach to nurturing and growing your aspirations. We take pride in assisting our clients to achieve their goals and get what they want from life. Our team of wealth specialists provide a trusted and comprehensive service, tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Michael has over 15 years’ industry experience and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®). He enjoys building lasting relationships with clients and assisting them through life changes.
Michael Kerslake
Ryan is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) with over 10 years of experiencer. Ryan enjoys helping clients articulate what is important to them and creating a plan to get there.
Ryan Purves
Douglas is passionate about building close working relationships with clients and assisting them to achieve personal financial goals. As a Paraplanner, he provides analysis and assistance to advisers and acts as a point of call for clients.
Douglas Carroll
Associate Adviser
Sarah has completed a Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management (with Honours) and brings with her over 11 years of administration experience working with RM Wealth.
Sarah Bishop
Client Service Manager

Our work is guided by these values


Our actions are consistent and harmonious with our values.


Our work is most valuable when it is useful, effective, and suitable for purpose. We work in a way that is practical to maximise sustainable, long-term results.


Aspiration comes from confidence in yourself and those around you. Our work supports confidence in your decisions and your path, to foster an environment for inspired choices.


We work in a way that is easy for you to see what actions are being performed.


To foster a better future, all things must be respected. Because we believe life is precious, we support our clients to live a meaningful one.


Finance can be complex and technical. You need trust in anyone handling yours. In being honest, our work is trustworthy and straightforward.

Make meaningful financial choices to unlock potential and create space for what's important.



RM Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 97625928592
Authorised representatives Godfrey Pembroke Group Australian Financial Services Licensee
©2022 by RM Wealth Pty Ltd